From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

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Meet SnowflakeDB

Meet SnowflakeDB

- [Instructor] As we get started learning about Snowflake DB, I think it's helpful to have a concise definition because it kind of is so unique in the market that when you are sharing your learning with other people, it can be helpful to have one-sentence definition. So here's the way I would describe it. Snowflake DB is a cloud-native SaaS data warehouse and platform. So let's break that down, and let's start with characteristics of data platforms in general. And then as we go through this course, we'll relate them to capabilities of Snowflake DB. Data platforms allow you to store files, and data in tables. They allow you to query that data including sometimes using machine learning. They allow you to transform the data to input the data sometimes with streams always with batches or individually to output that data, and sometimes to visualize it. Platforms are also designed for different types of use…
