From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

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Duplicating objects

Duplicating objects

- [Instructor] As you start building scenes in SketchUp you may need to copy or duplicate objects, and there's several different ways to do this in SketchUp. Probably the easiest way is the way that you can do in most applications, and that's copy and paste. So if you select an object all you have to do is hit Control C to copy, and then Control V to paste, and then it gives you an object and then you can place that wherever you want in your scene. Now another way to copy or duplicate objects is to use the move tool. So if I were to select an object here and say, select move, I could move that object, or if I touch the Control key notice how I get a plus sign on that. So if I hit move and then Control, I can then duplicate an object while moving it. So if I left click and drag, I can move that a specific distance. And notice in the bottom right hand corner we are getting the distance that we move it. So let's say…
