From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

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Adjust textures interactively

Adjust textures interactively - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

Adjust textures interactively

- [Instructor] There are times when you'll apply a texture or a material to an object and it won't line up exactly the way that you want. Now you can adjust this on a per face basis in SketchUp. So let's take a look at this house here. And if I zoom in here on the fireplace you'll see that these stone facings are not exactly lined up with these, and I would like everything to be lined up. So what I need to do is adjust the texture on that part of the model to make sure everything lines up. We can do that by selecting the face, right-clicking and going into texture. We have two options here. We have position and reset position. Well, let's go ahead and select position. Now, when I do that you'll see that I'm getting four little icons here and these allow me to adjust how that texture is placed. So I want to align this. So I'm going to use the red one to basically adjust position. If I wanted to, I could use green to…
