From the course: Learning SCADA: Collect, Analyze, and Visualize Data for Industrial Automation

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Step 3: Adding tags to the Ignition Designer project

Step 3: Adding tags to the Ignition Designer project

- [Instructor] Now that I have finished the setup of adding the OPC UA server in Ignition Gateway, I'm going to cover step two. That includes adding the tags in Ignition Designer in order to design the HMI for our SCADA project. Double-click on the Designer Launcher, then select this designer, localhost, and then choose Open Designer. And here, use the same username and password that you use to log in into Ignition Gateway. Then select New Project and I'm going to give this project a name and a title. So for the Project Name I'm going to name it Filling_Water_Tank. And for the Project Title, I'm going to name it SCADA_HMI. Then select Create New Project. And now I'm going to create a new window. So I'll give it a name, Water_Tank, then click on Create. Now once you create this window you can access it from the Project Browser. So I'm going to adjust the window a little bit so you can see. And you would find this window…
