From the course: Learning SCADA: Collect, Analyze, and Visualize Data for Industrial Automation

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Advantages of using OPC protocol

Advantages of using OPC protocol

- [Narrator] One of the main reasons that OPC is a widely accepted industrial communication standard is its ability to connect to different controllers from different vendors and to enable the communication between them. The example you see on the screen, controllers from Siemens, Allen Bradley, and ABB each has its own OPC server. So if a field device, for example a sensor, is connected to one or multiple controllers, the data is transferred from the sensor to the controller and then using an OPC server to be sent to an OPC client where all data from different vendors are accessible using one place. Now, the data collected from the different vendors can be then used for different applications, examples like HMI, SCADA software, or stored in database. And another great advantage is using the OPC protocol to transfer data over a network and overcoming the security problems. The value of OPC is that it is an open standard,…
