From the course: Learning SAP Fiori: End User

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Understanding the basic interface

Understanding the basic interface - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: Learning SAP Fiori: End User

Understanding the basic interface

- [Instructor] Okay, so that covers the overview, or the very first introduction to Fiori. So now let's take a look at the Fiori Launchpad. There are two ways to start the Launchpad. You should know both of them. The first one is the obvious one, you go into your web browser and you type in the URL of your Fiori Launchpad. That's most likely the main way how you get to the launchpad and how you would login. But there's another one, you can also get to the launchpad from your ERP system. So you can be logged in to your ERP system through the regular SEP GUI, and you use transaction called ui2/flp, flp for Fiori Launchpad. All right, if you type that in to your command field, in the SEP system, right here in that field that I highlighted, it will automatically bring up your browser and start the Fiori Launchpad like this. So those are the two ways that you can get started with the launchpad. Now once you log in to the launchpad that initial screen that you see, that is set up by your…
