From the course: Learning SAP Fiori: End User

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Setting up your Fiori groups and apps

Setting up your Fiori groups and apps - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: Learning SAP Fiori: End User

Setting up your Fiori groups and apps

- [Instructor] In this lesson we'll cover how to set up groups and apps in your Launchpad. I mentioned it before that your Fiori administrator sets up the default Launchpad with the default groups and apps organized, but you can actually change that. And that's the part that we'll cover in this lesson now. Okay, so in this lesson I'll show you how you can personalize your home page or your Launchpad page, the page that you see when you log in to Fiori. I'll show you how you can reorder the apps within a group. You can also change the order of the groups and you can add new groups too. In addition, there's something called My Group. It's kind of like the, your favorites, or the most important apps you can group together in My Group. And I'll show you how to do that. And then also how to work with the Tile Catalog, or the app store if you will or the App Catalog. If you want to add additional apps that are not on your launchpad you can go into the Tile Catalog, search for an app, and…
