From the course: Learning React Native

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What is React?

What is React?

- [Instructor] React is an open-source JavaScript library that is used to create user interfaces, or UI. It was started at Facebook. React was designed to solve some of the challenges and complexity that Facebook engineers faced when dealing with large-scale data-driven websites. React was originally released in 2013, and it rapidly grew in popularity, as it was adopted by tech giants like Netflix and Twitter. The main reason for React's success is that it simplified the developer experience. React allows developers to build small, reusable components, and then compose those components into larger components, and then compose those larger components into applications. React is declarative. That means the code itself describes what should happen. For example, React's syntax describes what a UI should look like, and in RunTime, this code, these descriptions, they're used to construct the user interface in the browser, or a…
