From the course: Learning React Native

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Running a project on a device

Running a project on a device

From the course: Learning React Native

Running a project on a device

- In the last lesson, we created our first project using the Expo CLI, we actually have the development environment for our project running locally on our computer. With Expo, we can still test this project directly on our device. Which is the preferred way to test a React Native app. And what we'll notice is that we have an Expo Development Server running on localhost 19002. You'll notice that there's a little QR code down here in the corner. So what we can do is we can actually load this app directly on our phone using this QR code. Now, all you need is a QR code reader. Your camera is actually a QR code reader. So if I come up here, and take a look at this, I can open it in Explore. And here we go. We see our project building our JavaScript bundle. Once the JavaScript bundle is complete, we actually get to see our application running right here. So, this is working because Expo is running this development server on…
