From the course: Learning React Native

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Navigating between screens

Navigating between screens

- [Instructor] In the last lesson we created our stack of screens using react navigation, specifically, the stack navigator. And we have a home screen that renders the color list and a detailed screen that renders the color details. What we want to do is navigate between these screens when the user clicks on any other color buttons. But before we get started, I want to do a little bit of cleanup. First, you'll notice that the title for the first screen is home. That's because it defaults back to our name property, but we can change that. We can add options to our screen component and rename the title, colorless. This form looks a little funky now that we have a react navigation header rendered above it. So let me come into the color form and we're going to do some CSS cleanup. Let's get rid of the margin, and then let's also make sure that the background color for the form is white. Here we go. And now let's come…
