From the course: Learning React Native

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Creating a Snack

Creating a Snack

- [Narrator] In this lesson, we're going to write our first React Native application using Expo Snack. So from this menu, I'm going to select Expo Snack. And then I'll go ahead and open up Expo Snack. Or you can go directly to the URL at When you create a new Snack, by default, you get some boilerplate code. You can actually see that code rendered over here in the right menu. So this message, change code in the editor and watch it change on your phone, this is actually being rendered in this text element right here. In our preview menu, we're currently rendering this component using React Native Web. I can also test this code in Android or IOS devices by selecting one of these tabs here. And when I click tap to play, this code is loaded into a device emulator. Sometimes, you might have to wait for an emulator to become available. So here, we can see our default Snack code rendered in an IOS device.…
