From the course: Learning React Native

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Building for iOS devices

Building for iOS devices

- [Instructor} When you're ready to distribute your iOS application to the App store, you can use Expo to manage the build process. So at present, I have the application running. We can see that we can test the application here within the iOS simulator. But the problem is we are not testing the standalone application by itself. We're still running this application in the simulator through Expo. So we're actually looking at the Expo app, when we're running our app. So let's say we wanted to build an iOS app and add it to the simulator. The first thing that we need to do is come into the app.json and add some specific build details to our iOS configuration. Specifically, we need a key called bundle identifier. This is the unique identifier for your iOS application. We typically name these comm.user or organisation.application name. So in my case, the application is going to be called, com.moonhighway, my…
