From the course: Learning Node.js

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Types of data frameworks

Types of data frameworks - Node.js Tutorial

From the course: Learning Node.js

Types of data frameworks

- [Instructor] There are many different database technologies, such as MongoDB, MySQL, Veras, and many more. Node has packages to work with most of these options. And most of these options fall into two categories: Either SQL or NoSQL. Let's take a quick look at SQL. SQL stands for structured query language. The key word here is structured, meaning the data stored inside is structured. The database knows and cares about the structure, and the tables that store the data must be designed with that in mind. The object classes, which represent the items that will go into those structured tables, must also be designed. There is a lot of up-front design work in doing so, but also some performance and query benefits in some cases. But, in other cases, there are also performance hits from the overhead of this design. NoSQL, on the other hand, is the absence of that structure. We just put data into collections without paying much attention to the structure. As a result, there's less up-front…
