From the course: Learning Node.js

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Editor debugging

Editor debugging - Node.js Tutorial

From the course: Learning Node.js

Editor debugging

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll take a look at some of the debugging features that come with Visual Studio Code. I do realize that some of you might not be using the same editor, but if your editor does come with some of the basic debug feature, they should still be very similar, and the concepts still should apply. Up until now, we've been using nodemon to run our server. Let's stop it, so I'll go into terminal, and terminate that job by pressing ctrl c in Windows. Instead we'll be using the Visual Studio Code Debug Runner. I'll click on the little bug icon on the left, or you could hit ctrl shift d. Now we can see a start debugging button. If we hit Play, it will start our server GS in debug mode. This gives us several tools. Let's go over to our app post messages function on line 27, and then let's add a break point on the tri. Let's go back to our web app and post a new message. You can see that a break point has been triggered. We can now do things like see our local…
