From the course: Learning Node.js

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Download and install Node

Download and install Node - Node.js Tutorial

From the course: Learning Node.js

Download and install Node

- [Instructor] Next let's go ahead and install Node. Head over to, and on the front page we should see the correct version to download. So we can select Current. If for some reason you don't see that, head over to downloads. Select the version for correct operating system. In my case, I'm going to head over to Current, then Windows Installer 64 bit. When it's done downloading, let's go ahead and install it. So I'll just go through the default options. And I'll leave everything just the way it is. I'll leave this unchecked. And hit Install. Now, after we finish, let's go ahead and verify that it did install. So on our start bar, let's go ahead and type in CMD. And in our command prompt, let's type in node dash v, and this will give us the version. And now we know a node is installed.
