From the course: Learning Microsoft Project

What you need to know

- [Instructor] Microsoft Project is a project management tool. So you should know at least a little bit about project management. Here's a super quick overview. A project is a unique undertaking with a distinct beginning and end and usually a budget. Operations, on the other hand, is the same work repeated over time like corporate accounting or work on a factory production line. Microsoft project can help manage projects. It isn't the right tool for ongoing staff scheduling. Tasks, also called activities, represent the work that needs to be done to complete a project. Resources are the people, equipment, materials, and other resources needed to complete tasks. In Project, you assign resources to tasks to calculate the project schedule and costs. Task dependencies or links define how tasks relate to one another. Most tasks are linked finish to start, which means that one task has to finish before the next one can start. These links also contribute to calculating the project schedule. If you're new to project management and want a quick intro, consider watching Chris Croft's LinkedIn Learning course, Project Management Simplified. To go into a bit more detail, watch my project management foundations course. With some project management knowledge under your belt, you'll be ready to tackle Microsoft Project and produce a project schedule in no time.
