From the course: Learning Microsoft Project

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Save a project baseline

Save a project baseline

- [Instructor] Once the stakeholders approve your project plan, you need to save the approved schedule so you can compare actual progress with what you plan. In Project, a baseline can hold a snapshot of your approved schedule. To save a baseline, we're going to head to the project tab. Then in the schedule section, click set baseline, and on the dropdown menu choose set baseline. In the set baseline dialog box, when you're first saving a baseline, all the options are set the way you want. We're going to save to the baseline called simply Baseline. But if I click the down arrow, there are actually 11 baselines you can save. We're just going to choose the first one. It also sets up to save the entire project. So all I have to do is click okay. Now it doesn't really look like it did anything. However, if we go back up and click set baseline again, and choose set baseline, notice that now in the set baseline dialog box, you…
