From the course: Learning Microsoft Project

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Organize with summary tasks

Organize with summary tasks

- [Instructor] Organizing Project tasks makes it easy to handoff sections to team leads and track progress. You can organize your work tasks with summary tasks. Say you've created a bunch of work tasks and want to organize them. The first thing you can do is select the tasks that you want to group underneath a summary task. I'm going to do that by dragging over the task ID cells for the three tasks here. That selects them. Next, on the task tab, I head to the Insert section and click Summary. That creates a new row and the task name is New Summary Task. Because the Task Name cell is selected, I can type the name of the task. Inspection and press Enter. Notice that the three selected tasks are now indented one level lower than the summary task. You can also organize from the top-down. That's like when you have a work breakdown structure. You have the big summary tasks at the top and then break them down to lower levels.…
