From the course: Learning Microsoft Project

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Define the work calendar

Define the work calendar

- [Instructor] To schedule a project, you need to know how much your resources work and when. Calendars in Project define the days and times that people work. We're going to go to the Project tab. Then in the Properties section, click the button Change Working Time. In the Change Working Time dialog box, the For Calendar box up at the top shows the calendar that the project uses. In this case, it's using the built-in standard calendar. This built-in calendar is set up to apply automatically to all new projects, although you can change it later if you want. It follows a common work schedule, so there's a good chance it will work for your organization. You can see that this is the project calendar for this project because it says Project Calendar in parentheses. Now let's go down to the bottom half of the dialog box and click the Work Weeks tab. This is where you can define the work weeks that you use. There's one default…
