From the course: Learning Microsoft Project

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Assign resources to tasks

Assign resources to tasks

- [Instructor] As you assign resources to tasks, Project Scheduling Engine using task dependencies, resource assignments, calenders, and more to calculate what tasks will start and finish. To assign resources, we're going to use the Gantt chart. On the view tab, you can click the top half of the Gantt chart button. For simple assignments, you can add resource names in the resource names column. The first thing I'm going to do is widen this table so I can see the full resource names column. To do that, I'm going to point at this vertical divider, and when I see the two-headed arrow, I'm going to drag to the right. Let's start with task two, review design. I'm going to click the resource name cell for this task. Then, click the down arrow, and I want to add the diagnostic lead position, and construction. So I turn on the check boxes for those resources, and then press enter. You can see the resource names over in the time…
