From the course: Learning Microsoft Power Apps

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Use PowerApps on a mobile device

Use PowerApps on a mobile device - Power Apps Tutorial

From the course: Learning Microsoft Power Apps

Use PowerApps on a mobile device

- [Educator] The second way that we can run a Power App that we've created, and our end goal for this particular app is on a mobile device, you find the appropriate app for Power Apps in the same location where you download other apps for your phone or tablet. I use an iPhone so I found mine in the Apple App Store. The first time that you use Power Apps, you'll be prompted to log in. And so we're going to use the same login information that we used previously. I have Authenticator so I could use that, otherwise, you'll just be entering your username and your password if you don't use an authentication app. And you'll recall that I told you you wanted to change the icon and the color because in a wealth of applications, you want yours to stand out, but the user just goes in and clicks the application. We've seen this over and over again embedded in a larger screen, but here it is in our browser, and users can sort the…
