From the course: Learning Microsoft Power Apps

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Power Apps and data sources

Power Apps and data sources - Power Apps Tutorial

From the course: Learning Microsoft Power Apps

Power Apps and data sources

- [Instructor] There are three types of data sources. For our purposes in this course, we care only about the first type of data source, connected data sources. Connected data sources are data sources that are stored in the cloud that we access through a connection, hence, connected data sources. We then have local data sources, and when you use a local data source, it will only be available to you. As a matter of fact, if you create a local data source Power Apps will create its own table to store a copy of that data. And the third type of data source also local to the app is called a collection. I want to spend a moment talking about connected data sources in a slightly larger scope. The Power Platform is a no-code low-code development platform that includes Power Apps. We have Power BI, Power to Power Platform, and power BI is used for data analysis. We then use Power Apps to create applications that…
