From the course: Learning Microsoft Power Apps

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Getting started with Power Apps

Getting started with Power Apps - Power Apps Tutorial

From the course: Learning Microsoft Power Apps

Getting started with Power Apps

- [Instructor] If you want to work along with me in this course and build a Power App, you will need a few tools. The first thing you will need is you will need Microsoft Power Apps. Power Apps is included with some of the subscriptions for Microsoft 365 and with Dynamics 365. So if you're working with these cloud-based products you may already have an account for Power Apps. And in a moment, I'll show you how to check. For this course, you'll also need a recent version of Excel and you will need a OneDrive account, preferably OneDrive for Business. If you don't have some or all of these tools, the easiest way to get them all for free is to sign up for a trial of Microsoft 365 for Business, not for home use, but for business use. And it will give you your OneDrive for Business, your Excel and allow you then to also connect Power Apps. So what if you have Excel and OneDrive but you don't have Power Apps yet? In that case…
