From the course: Learning Microsoft Power Apps

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Add your app to Microsoft Teams

Add your app to Microsoft Teams - Power Apps Tutorial

From the course: Learning Microsoft Power Apps

Add your app to Microsoft Teams

- Up to this point, we've been relying on the Power Apps applications to view our room issues report app. We've used the mobile app and we've used a browser. We've also previewed it within the Power App studio. I'd like to show you the third way that you can launch a Power App from an application. The application I'm going to choose is Microsoft Teams, because this is slick functionality to be able to place inside of teams, which is a fast growing application. So, if you're working with an organization that uses teams, then the ability to create an app that your users can launch from teams will make you a hero. Let's switch to teams and you need to choose the particular team or channel that you want to post your Power App in. I'm actually in the general channel for the maintenance crew team. Up at the top, I'm going to click the added tab button. It's a plus. And, I'm going to look for Power Apps. If you have a…
