From the course: Learning MATLAB

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Create basic 2D plots

Create basic 2D plots - MATLAB Tutorial

From the course: Learning MATLAB

Create basic 2D plots

- [Instructor] : Are you familiar with plots? I'm not talking about movie plots. In this video, I'm going to cover 2D basic plots in MATLAB. In the realm of data visualization, 2D basic plots serve as the fundamental tools for representing and interpreting data in a visually appealing and informative manner. These tools provide a simplified yet powerful means to understand patterns, trends, and relationships within data sets. So, what are some examples of 2D plots? Some commonly used 2D plots are line plots, scatter plots, and various waveforms such as sine wave, as you see here. The choice of plots used depends on the nature of the data provided. So, let's go back to MATLAB. We can create plots by entering commands in the command window or by creating a new script and save the file as a 2D plot file. I'm going to show you both ways. So, in this video, we are only going to work in the command window. Say we want to…
