From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Use objects as lights

Use objects as lights - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Use objects as lights

- [Instructor] Now, there will be times when image-based lighting just isn't enough. You'll need a little bit more control over your lighting. And when this is the case, we can always turn objects into lights. So, here I have a basic scene and let's go ahead and add some additional lighting. Now, if you'll notice, the environment lighting in this particular scene is mostly from the back. And you can see we have a lot of shadows along the front of this circular-shaped object. But if we wanted some light coming from the front, we could either add in light using the HDRI Editor or we can create alight using an object. So I'm going to start off with this green rectangle here, this green box. And this has material on it called Material_04. So I'm going to double-click on that. And, as you can see, it has this Diffuse color. Now, if we want, we can change that into a light simply by changing the material type. So if I select here under Material Type and scroll down, you'll notice here we…
