From the course: Learning Jira (Server Edition)

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Linking issues

Linking issues

- [Instructor] Did you know you can link any Jira issue to any other Jira issue? It's easy, here's how. Click the More option in the issue toolbar and select Link. In the overlay, select the type of link in the first field. Then, type the ID or a keyword from the issue to link. You can also click the search for an issue link to find a specific issue. Add a comment if it's helpful, then click the form submission button. Linked issues will appear in the Issue Links section. In the example, the issues type, key, summary, priority, and status are shown. Linking creates a path for other users to follow. You can search for issues that are linked to other issues. I'll show you how later in the course. When one link exists, you can add more by clicking the plus sign on the right. You can also link to other web locations. In the overlay, click the Web Link option on the left. Enter the URL and link text. Then, click the form…
