From the course: Learning Java 11

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Your first Java program

Your first Java program - Java Tutorial

From the course: Learning Java 11

Your first Java program

- [Narrator] We are ready to write our first Java program. Just like we write essays using some kind of word editor, we need a text editor to write our code. I'm going to download Sublime Text, which is a common text editor that developers use. Sublime is a tool that we will use to write our Java programs. In the command line is tool that will help us build and run our programs. With Sublime downloaded, we can open up a new window and write some code. How do we write a Java program? Java is verbose programming language, so there is some boilerplate code that we add with every program. When we say verbose, we mean that there are a lot of words we have to write, compared to other programming languages, in order to get a simple program to work. For beginners, I think this is a good thing because it reveals concepts you may not have known, and it makes what you are trying to do very verbosely clear. Every Java program has…
