From the course: Learning Java 11

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Hello World in an IDE

Hello World in an IDE - Java Tutorial

From the course: Learning Java 11

Hello World in an IDE

- [Instructor] Let's create our first Java File in the IntelliJ IDE. We'll left-click the SRC, or Source Code Folder, hover over New and click Java Class. We'll call this class, Main. This is still creating a Java File, but it's pre-populating a class called Main. This middle area is the code editor and it looks a lot like what we saw in Sublime. The code editor is where we can access the content of our Java Files. And in this case, the content of the Main.Java File. We can recreate some of the Java code we created before in Sublime. Instead of typing out that long name function with public static void, we can just type Main and the IDE pre-populates it for us. Remember when we talked about boilerplate code? Every Java program must have a Main function, so the IDE has shortcuts that make some of that boilerplate code easier and faster to write. This shortcut, where we type in a word and the IDE completes it for us…
