From the course: Learning Java 11

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Downloading Java on your computer

Downloading Java on your computer - Java Tutorial

From the course: Learning Java 11

Downloading Java on your computer

- [Instructor] Let's install the Java Development Kit, or JDK, so that we can build Java applications on our computer. Remember, the JDK includes the JRE, or Java Runtime Environment, so we will not only be able to build applications on our computer, but we will also be able to run them. SE stands for Standard Edition, which is what we want, so we're going to click on this first link here. In this course, we'll be using 13.0.2, because it is the latest version of the Java platform at the time of this recording. When you are viewing this course, there may be newer versions available, which you're fine to use as well. The difference between the versions matter more once you get deeper into the Java programming language, but for this course, since we are looking at the fundamentals, any version Java 8 and above is fine. Now let's click download. Next, you'll want to download the JDK for your specific operating system.…
