From the course: Learning GitHub Pages

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Configure your Jekyll page

Configure your Jekyll page - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: Learning GitHub Pages

Configure your Jekyll page

- [Instructor] Caymen itself is a Github repository, and if you go to this URL, you can see that there are some instructions here that you can use to customize the theme. So we're going to be working through some of those, however, do remember that this is still a Jekyll website, so if you want really deep instructions into how you customize Jekyll, you can take a look the site. So let's get into our project. We're going to start by modifying the config.yml file. Now this is a special format called YAML, and it's essentially a pretty easy to read format that creates a data structure. So by creating some text that has a name on the left with a colon, that creates a variable called theme in your pages, and then it creates the value for that theme as the jekyll-theme-cayman in this case, but we can add more things to it, according to the page template. One of the things that I can do here is add a title and…
