From the course: Learning GitHub Pages

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Add other components - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: Learning GitHub Pages

Add other components

- [Instructor] We've got the beginnings of a wiki here, but let's take a look at what it would take to load some content and how the pages work. So I've got some content that I've created from our exercise files, and you can see that it's a folder that has a bunch of documents in it. There are some images. We're going to work with those in the next video. And in here, there's a wiki folder that has a number of additional files. Let's go ahead and open this up in Visual Studio Code. And now we can click on New Page right here. I'm going to load up this page called Cast and just copy all this code right here and then paste it on this side. This is a bunch of different characters for a website that I'm working on. Let's go ahead and grab this headline and we'll make that the title. All right, now let's go ahead and save this page. So I have a new page called Cast here and it has a bunch of different links. Notice that…
