From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Hardware

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Wire up the signals for VCC and GND

Wire up the signals for VCC and GND - Arduino Tutorial

From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Hardware

Wire up the signals for VCC and GND

- [Instructor] Alright, so let's continue wiring by taking care of the pins that are connected to either VCC or ground within the shift register. Okay, so we connect pin number 16 to the five volt within our adrenal board. Always check the data sheet to check the voltage limitation. This shift register accept two volt and a maximum of six volt. So I'm going to connect all the voltage supplied to this rail over here in the breadboard. And I will connect that later to the adrenal. So we're doing the VCC. And then I'll take that and add it to the five volt within our adrenal. Now, the second step is connecting ground, which is pin 8, to the ground of the adrenal board. Okay, so I'm going to do the same thing, I'll try to connect the ground to this side of the breadboard. And to connect the two sides of the breadboard, I'm going to connect the ground to ground and then VCC to VCC if we need to use it later. Okay, so the…
