From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Hardware

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The LCD interface

The LCD interface

- [Narrator] Now let's take a look at how to interface the 16x2 LCD with Arduino board. So as mentioned previously, the HD controller chip uses a series of 16 interface pins. Now, let's take a closer look at each of the pins. The first two pins are VSS, which is the ground, you need to connect this to Arduino, in order to keep a common ground. The second pin is VDD, which is the source power. And you are going to connect it, to the five volt Arduino board. So pin one and pin two are the power supply pins. Pin three is the Display Contrast pin. You are going to connect it to a potentiometer. This pin, is used for controlling the brightness of the screen. This is accomplished by adjusting the power supply voltage to the LCD. Pin four, which is RS, that refers to Register Select pin. This controls where in the the LCD memory you're writing the data to. And we have two modes for it, Low and High. So for this specific LCD,…
