From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Hardware

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Setup the keypad library

Setup the keypad library

- [Instructor] Often times when you use the keypad component, you need to include the library in the Arduino software. In order to check if you have the library or not, you go to Sketch, Include Library, and then look around if you see the keypad library. If you don't see it around, then you need to download it from the website. To do so, you need to go to this website, so you need to download this zip file. And then once downloaded, you go to Download, then unzip the file. Alright, so once you have the folder, you need to move it to the libraries within the Arduino software. So you go where is Arduino, Libraries, and then you place it in here. Alright, so let's go back and check if we have the library within the software. You might need to restart the software again, so just open a new one. Alright, so you go and check if you have the library now. See, we have the keypad now. Sometimes, if cannot even…
