From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Hardware

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Coding the LCD interface

Coding the LCD interface

- [Narrator] Alright, so when we do the programming for the LCD, the very first thing that we need to do is to include the library of the LCD. So you can do so by going to Sketch, include Library and look for Liquid Crystal. So this making sure that we have the library for LCD. Alright, so the first command with programming the LCD is a Liquid Crystal command. And Liquid Crystal Command basically does is a way for the program to identify the pins that we connected the LCD to. So you can check the website for the different syntax and since we're using only four bits, so we are going to use the very first syntax. So back in the coding, so LiquidCrystal, and then I'll name it as LCD, and here, the first one is the rs, second one is enable, then d four, d five, d six, and then d seven. So I need to identify what are the pins so I can do that before the command, so here is a constant integer, rs is connected to pin 12,…
