From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Analog Devices

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Wiring a stepper motor to Arduino

Wiring a stepper motor to Arduino

- [Instructor] Okay, so we are going to start wiring the driver to the pins with an Arduino. The very first thing is I'm going to connect in one here. That's going to go to the digital pin with Arduino board to pin eight. And two is going to go to pin nine. And three to 10. And then finally four to 11. The other side of this stepper motor driver is going to be connected to the stepper motor. So I am going to go ahead and connect that here. So to provide power to the motor driver circuit, we are going to use a nine-volt battery. And I'm going to use a power connector to connect that to the driver. Here. And then the positive goes to the positive side. And then the negative goes to the negative. All right, the last step is just connecting the Arduino to the software.
