From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Analog Devices

What you should know before watching

- [Narrator] Before you start this course, you should be a little bit familiar with how Arduino works. Using the input and output pins, and the basic commands, like a pinmode. And know the difference between inputs and outputs, as well as some programming concepts, like an if statement. I'm going to use Arduino Uno board, but you can use any other board that you have. You just need to make sure to select it when programming. I use this kit for most of the components for this course, but there are many other kits available. You just need to make sure they have the following components. Temperature sensor, TMP37 or LM35, LDR, joystick, and a unipolar stepper motor. This course is designed to interface analog components with Arduino board and coding. I'll cover the wire needed for our project, but if you need a refresher on hardware components, throughout this course, I would recommend referring to Electronics Foundations: Fundamentals. If you have zero experience with Arduino, you might want to first check out my other Arduino essential course, Learning Arduino: Foundations, that we have in our library, to get you prepared for this course.
