From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Analog Devices

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Using a voltage divider with our LDR

Using a voltage divider with our LDR

- The easiest way to detect a change in resistance is to convert that change to a voltage, Is to confer that change to a voltage, so for our LDR, we will build it into a voltage divider circuit. In a voltage divider, we take an input voltage, and input voltage "V in" V in, and divide it between two resistors, R one and R two. and divide it between tworesisters "R1" and "R2". By measuring V out, voltage out, between the two resistors, we get an output we get an output that is somefraction of the input voltage. that is some fraction of the input voltage. The value of the output depends on the value we pick for resistor one and resistor two. resistor one and resistor two. Here is the equation for a voltage divider. Notice that, since the sum of resistor one and resistor two is on the bottom of the fraction, the output voltage will always be smaller than the input. What happens if we make one of the resistors in our voltage divider a sensor like an LDR? As the resistance of the sensor…
