From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Analog Devices

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Unipolar stepper motors

Unipolar stepper motors

- [Instructor] Ill go through the tab that I am going to use for our example, which is Unipolar Stepper Motors. This type has four coils. Now the driving method for Stepper Motors can be categorized as Four-Phase and Eight-Phase Driving. When using a Four-Phase method it's done by energizing each phase in sequence, the motor will rotate one step at a time. You can see on the slides here that the first coil is being energized in the first pulse, and all the rest coils are zero. When the second coil is being energized, then the rest of the coils are zero, and so on. For the third one and for the fourth one. And this is the Truth Table for Four-Phase when driving a Stepper Motor. For an Eight-Phase driving method, the energizing is being done this way. First, the first coil gets energized. Then in the second step between coil one and coil two. The third step is coil two and then so on for the rest of the coils. You can see that a step of the coil and a step between the two coils. And…
