From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Analog Devices

Integrating analog devices with Arduino - Arduino Tutorial

From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Analog Devices

Integrating analog devices with Arduino

- When working with Arduino Projects, you may find yourself having to interface with analog devices, things like temperature sensors, light sensors, motors, and joysticks. And they work differently than digital components. In this course, I'll use the Arduino board with some common analog components, like temperature sensors, LDR light sensors, joysticks, and separate motors. I'll explore each component separately and go through the wiring and the coding to get them working. At the end, we'll combine the components together in some mini-projects where we apply all the knowledge learned within the course. I'm Zara Khalil, I am an engineering instructor, and I enjoy teaching courses covering engineering topics. So, let's get started!
