From the course: Learning Arduino: Interfacing with Analog Devices

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Exploring the Stepper Library

Exploring the Stepper Library

- [Instructor] A Stepper Library is a built-in library within Arduino that allows you to control uni-polar or bi-polar stepper motors. It comes with different functions that are used in the coding. The first one is Stepper Function. It is used at the top of this cache above steps and loops, where steps are the number of steps in one revolution of the motor, and pins one to four are the ones connected from the motor driver to the Arduino board pins. Number of steps per revolution are given in the data sheets. I'll go through couple of examples of data sheets of stepper motors. For example, this one, it's given in angles and degrees. Another example here, it's given by the number of counts per revolution. Let's see how to calculate steps if it was given in degrees. Steps per revolution is the way we refer to how the motor moves. If it was given in degrees, we call it resolution or degrees per step. Simply means in one step, how many degrees the motor is moving. A full revolution is 360…
