From the course: Leading Projects

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Team building, trust, and transparency

Team building, trust, and transparency

From the course: Leading Projects

Team building, trust, and transparency

- One of the key characteristics of high performing teams is trust. In this video, we'll talk specifically about why trust is so important, and give you some ideas about how to build trust among your team members. Projects can get complicated very quickly, and disagreements or misunderstandings get in the way of productivity. The planning that you do as the project leader will help to minimize these misunderstandings, but it may not eliminate them. So as you think about your role in leading a project and as you resolve to your course of action, one of the things that you should take into account is how to build and sustain trust among your team members. To start with, your team members may not know each other, and it's hard to trust someone that you don't know. So in that case, you should have a plan for a positive way to make those introductions. Lots of teams that I've worked on did a team building activity very early on. Some of the most successful projects started with an offsite…
