From the course: Leading Projects

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Root cause analysis

Root cause analysis

- It's really hard to explain the vision for a project if you haven't defined the problem that you're trying to solve. But accurately defining the right problem or opportunity for a project to address can be harder than it seems. It often requires a root cause analysis. This video will introduce you to two root cause analysis techniques that can help you move beyond describing what is happening, to try to figure out why it is happening. Think of root cause analysis like a doctor who uses a patient's symptoms, vital signs and lab results to diagnose the disease. It's really important to have an accurate diagnosis to correctly understand the root cause before you prescribe a treatment. Two of the most useful techniques for root cause analysis are Fishbone Diagrams and the Five Whys. These tools use different thinking styles. The Five Whys is a verbal exercise while the Fishbone Diagram is visual, but they work beautifully together. We'll start with the Fishbone Diagram. Fishbone…
