From the course: Kubernetes for Java Developers

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Kubernetes workflow for Java developers

Kubernetes workflow for Java developers

From the course: Kubernetes for Java Developers

Kubernetes workflow for Java developers

- [Instructor] Now that you understand why Kubernetes is required, what does it take for a Java developer to package and deploy their applications in Kubernetes. Let's take a look at what Kubernetes workflow for Java developers look like. You build and package your Java application using the usual tools, such as Maven or Gradle. This will typically be a fad jar that has all the dependencies included. In case of a war file, you need to think about how to get all the dependencies such as Tomcat or whatever your application server is. Kubernetes deploy and manage containers, so first thing you need to do is create a Docker image out of your application. This Docker image will need to be published on a Docker repository such that it can be downloaded to the Kubernetes cluster. This could be Docker Hub, Amazon Elastic Container Registry or any other registry that you have access to. Most common way of deploying to Kubernetes is to use an application manifest. We will cover details about…
