From the course: Kali Linux Essential Training

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Installing Kali as an appliance

Installing Kali as an appliance - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Kali Linux Essential Training

Installing Kali as an appliance

- [Instructor] Kali Linux is a special build of the Debian operating system, which is pre-configured with a large number of testing tools covering web, infrastructure and wireless testing requirements. It's the platform of choice for many pen testers. Kali can be installed as the only system on a hardware platform, and this is known as bare metal installation. It can be loaded as a second bootable image on a platform with an existing operating system, known as a dual boot installation. It can also be run as a virtual machine on VMware or virtual box. We'll be using this approach and loading it into the virtual box environment we've set up. Kali Linux can be loaded as what's known as an appliance, a prebuilt form of virtual machine, which makes it very easy to get up and running with virtual box. Offensive security maintains a number of different Kali Linux downloads. Here we can see the latest 32 and 64 bit Kali files…
