From the course: iPadOS 13 Development Essential Training

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Setting up for multitasking in iPadOS 13

Setting up for multitasking in iPadOS 13 - iOS Tutorial

From the course: iPadOS 13 Development Essential Training

Setting up for multitasking in iPadOS 13

- [Instructor] iPad OS 13 allows you to multitask in a new way, being able to run two windows of your application at the same time. In order to allow this behavior, you have to explicitly declare it in your project settings. So go to your target settings by selecting your project in the Project Navigator, choosing your target, and going to the General tab, and down here below Status Bar Style, you're going to see Supports Multiple Windows. Check that box and then simply run your application in a simulator, and then you can see the app running with multiple windows if you set it up. So here's our app running in the simulator, and if we want to have another instance of it open, we can slide up from the bottom, and then hold your finger on an application window. Not too long. And then click and drag it up. This is in the Slide Overview, which I can change to a split view by grabbing this icon at the top and then dragging…
