From the course: IoT Foundations: Standards and Ecosystems

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- [Instructor] Some of the challenges that face the implementation of the Internet of Things are security, privacy, complexity and standards, and legal issues. For security, due to the fact that the scale of IoT applications, devices and services is large, the quantity of connections between these devices is large as well. Therefore, the users of the systems need to trust that the information and services are being exchanged in a secure environment. This is very important as IoT technologies become more integrated into our daily lives, and poorly secured IoT devices and applications make them a potential target for cybersecurity threats. Rarely a day goes by that we don't hear about another cybersecurity attack. Not only businesses and governments are the target, but also regular people through any of their personal devices. Things like hack. data breach, or a damaging malware. So on a personal level, here are some…
