From the course: IoT Foundations: Low-Power Wireless Networking

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Use EnOcean for IoT wireless networks

Use EnOcean for IoT wireless networks

- [Narrator] There are energy harvesting platforms available to build your IoT wireless networks. One typical example is the platform based on the EnOcean technology. To ensure interoperability of different end products EnOcean Technology defines a set of specifications based on the international ISO standard. The first award is a standard optimized for energy harvesting solutions. This standard covers OSI layers 1, 2, 3. The EnOcean radio can operate in the sub gigahertz frequency bands for Europe, US, Canada and Japan. In EnOcean has additional protocols following the OSI model including the EnOcean radio protocol which defines the structure of the entire radio telegram and the data transmissions between EnOcean devices. The EnOcean equipment profiles which define the user data embedded in the telegrams and the specifications for remote management and the data security. The communication range of the EnOcean radios can be up to 30 meters inside of buildings and 300 meters in the…
