From the course: IoT Foundations: Low-Power Wireless Networking

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Basic wireless network topologies and architectures

Basic wireless network topologies and architectures

From the course: IoT Foundations: Low-Power Wireless Networking

Basic wireless network topologies and architectures

- [Instructor] Different wireless networks have different topologies. In other words, different wireless networks have different logical layouts of wireless nodes. The topologies sometimes, are related to the communication pattern between wireless nodes. We'll introduce some typical topologies used in many wireless network structures. The simplest topology is Point-to-Point, where two wireless nodes create a point-to-point connection. Let's start with this one, which is the basis for other topologies. We need to know that the wireless point-to-point link between two nodes is logical. Second, the wireless connection between two wireless nodes is determined by the fact that if the two nodes are within the same communication range, the wireless IoT nodes are generally transmitting the RF signals to the three dimensional spherical space. So, the communication carriage of that radio module can be nearly represented by a sphere, however, it is often sufficient to represent a communication…
